Meet: Emmanuel B. A. LANSANA
Director of Technology & Information Management

Emmanuel is both a qualified GIS Professional and Civil Engineer. He completed a Masters degree programme in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics from the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart, Germany in March 2011 where he carried out a project on “Design of a WebGIS Application for Road Asset Management” using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) solutions as a Masters Thesis. He graduated with a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering from the Fourah Bay College in August 2005. He is a Microsoft Certified Database Professional.
As Director of Technology and Information Management at the National Minerals Agency, Emmanuel is in charge of the day-to-day management and administration of the Country’s geoscientific knowledge as well as meeting the data, information and ICT needs of the Agency. Until his appointment as Director of Technology and Information Management, Emmanuel was the Geological Data and Information Manager. From 2014 to 2015, he worked with the German firm, GAF-AG to develop a World Bank Funded Geodata Information Management System (GIMS) which currently warehouses geoscientific information, historic reports and reports from exploration companies.
In 2013, Emmanuel joined the then London Mining Company as GIS Advisor where he was responsible for the development, implementation and on-going supervision of the company’s GIS needs. He developed an Information Management System that maintained an up-to-date information of all crop assessment and compensation, mining operations, community grievances and reported incidents. He was later promoted to the position of Technical Superintendent to additionally design and supervise the implementation of community development projects.
During the design of the company’s Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Emmanuel worked closely with the Environmental Resources Management (ERM) team from Canada to design and implement the Boreal-Is Stakeholder Management Information System.
Prior to joining London Mining Company, Emmanuel worked at the Sierra Leone Roads Authority where he doubled as GIS Expert and Civil Engineer. He worked on several road and bridge design and implementation projects and was also a key working group member of a team that developed a Pavement Maintenance Management Programme (PMMP) for SLRA under a Technical Assistance programme that was funded by the European Union. The project was implemented by a consortium of two German firms – Rhein Ruhr International (RRI) GmbH and Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The PMMP is used by SLRA for planning of road maintenance activities as well as annual and multi-year budgeting. Emmanuel was part of the team that worked on the Devolution of Rural Feeder Roads to Local Councils for maintenance.
In the early years of his career, Emmanuel worked as Project Supervisor at the General Engineering and Architectural Consultants (GENAC) where his primary tasks involved project formulation studies, project designs and supervision; he lectured in the Civil Engineering Department at Fourah Bay College for three years (2006-2009); and worked as Engineer for Modern Construction Company (MoDCON) shortly after graduation in 2005.
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