Tenable Licence Types


1. Small-scale Mining Licence

  • Maximum Area: 200 hectares (2 square kilometer)
  • Duration: 4years
  • Operation: mechanised operations NOT exceeding twenty metres in depth or involving the sinking of shafts, driving of adits, or other various underground openings
  • Approving BodyApplication certified by the Minerals Advisory Board (MAB) and approved by Minister.

2. Large-scale Mining Licence

  • Maximum Area: 125 square kilometers
  • Duration: Granted for an initial period of 25years and renewable for 15years period
  • Operation: Any safe & approved mining method
  • Approving Body: Application certified by the Minerals Advisory Board and approved by Minister.

3. Mineral Dealers & Exporters Licences

  • Duration: Yearly (12 months) and in special circumstances Half yearly (Six-months)
  • Operation: A Dealer or his/her Agent shall be required to buy precious minerals only from artisanal or small-scale mining lease holder and sell to any exporter.
  • Approving Body: Licence approved by the Director of Mines.

Dealers & Exporters Licences

For more information on how to apply for a license, please contact the Mining Cadastre Office at New England Ville, Freetown or click below to contact the NMA.

Click Here to Contact Us



4. Exploration Licence

  • Maximum Area: 175 sq km
  • Duration: Three (3) years initially, 2 years for first renewal.
  • Operation: Testing the mineral bearing qualities of the land, define the extent and determine the economic value of mineral deposits using approved exploration methods as stipulated in the Mines and Minerals Development Act 2022.
  • Approving Body: Application certified by the Minerals Advisory Board and approved by Minister.

5. Reconnaissance Licence

  • Maximum Area: 10,000 Square Kilometers
  • Duration: 1 year and renewable 1 time for year
  • Operation: Surface level sample collection and airborne reconnaissance activities
  • Approving Body
  • Minister’s Approval required for first year. Minerals Advisory Board (MAB) certification required for subsequent year.