Meet: Marvyn DINGIE
Deputy Director of Finance & Administration

Marvyn is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA), and an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sierra Leone (ICASL). He has extensive experience in Public Sector Financial Management.
In his desire to acquire higher qualification, in 2018 he acquired a Masters Degree in Business Administration with finance option from Njala University. He holds a Bachelor of Social Science with Honors Degree in Accounting from Fourah Bay College in 2003
Prior to his appointment at the National Minerals Agency, Marvyn Dingie served as Assistant Deputy Director for Finance and Administration at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Internal Auditor at the World Vision International Sierra Leone, served as an Accountant at the National Protected Area Authority, under the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS), and also served as an Accounting Officer at the Sierra Leone Ports Authority (Queen Elizabeth 11 Quay).
As Deputy Director of Finance and Administration at the NMA, he is directly supervising the procurement, ICT, Facilities and Logistics functions of the Agency. In conjunction with the Director of Finance, he ensures that all financial and non-financial resources are properly managed, safe-guarded and accounted for.
Marvyn has undertaken several continuous professional development courses and trainings in and outside Sierra Leone in Accounting, Auditing, Financial Management, Administration, Procurement, IPSAS and other relevant International Financial Reporting Standards.
He possesses strong leadership and inter personal skills. He is a good communicator and is always willing to learn and take on new challenges when duty demands.
Contact Marvyn
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