First Schedule - Fees

Table 1: Licence and Related Fees / Charges
NoApplication TypeLicence CategoryAmount (NLE)Amount (USD)
1New applicationReconnaissance1,000
2Licence renewalReconnaissance1,000
3New applicationExploration2,500
4Licence renewalExploration2,500
5New applicationArtisanal (Natural person)250
6Licence renewalArtisanal (Natural person)250
7New ApplicationArtisanal (Joint Venture or Partnership)250
8Licence renewalArtisanal (Joint Venture or Partnership)250
9New applicationArtisanal (Cooperative)250
10Licence renewalArtisanal (Cooperative)250
11New applicationArtisanal (Corporate)250
12Licence renewalArtisanal (Corporate)250
13New applicationSmall-scale5,000
14Licence renewalSmall-scale5,000
15New applicationLarge-scale25,000
16Licence renewalLarge-scale25,000
17Licence ApplicationExporters250
18Licence ApplicationExporters Agent250
19Licence ApplicationDealers50
20LiicenceDealers Agent50
21Application to amend an approved work programme150
22Application to export minerals or sample minerals50
23Application Registration of artisanal mine manager250
24Application for renewalRegistration of artisanal mine manager250
25ApplicationConstruction of mine magazine to store explosives250
26ApplicationExplosives licence750
27ApplicationBlasting licence750
28ApplicationBalster’s Cernficate50
29Annual Charges
30Reconnaissance licence10,000
31Exploration licence (Initial Grant)500.00 per krn2
32Exploration licence (1st renewal)750.00 per km2
33Exploration licence (2nd renewal)
Artisanal Mining Licence (Natural person)
1,5001,000.00 per km2
34Artisanal Minlng I.icence (Joint-Venture)750
35Artisanal Mining Licence (Cooperative)1,000
36Artisanal Mining Licence (Body Corporate)1,000
37Small-scale Mining Licence1,000.00 per ha
38Large-ficale Mining Licence1,000,000
39Permits and Certificates
40Dredging pennitSmall-scale Mining Licence10,000
41Dredging permitLarge-scale Mining Licence20,000
42Blasting permitLarge-scale Mining Licence20,000
43PilasterÂ’s Certificate (Citizen)1,500
44Plaster’s Certificate (Non-Citizen)7,500
45Explosive import permit7,500
46Explosive supply permit7,500
47Explosive transportation permit7,500
48Explosive storage permit7,500
49Explosive manufacturing permit35,000
50Mine magazine permit7,500
51Mine manager’s certificate (artisanal mining licence)250
52Annual Trading Licence and Certificate
53Diamond exporters licence35,000
54Gold exporters licence20,000
55Industrial and sand-based exporters certificate15,000
56Diamond exporters agent’s certificate10,000
57Gold exporters agent’s certificate5,000
58Industrial and sand-based exporters agent’s certificate5,000
59Diamond Dealers Licence (Natural Person)3,000
60Diamond Dealers Licence (Cooperative)5,000
61Diamond Dealers Licence (Corporate)7,500
62Gold Dealers Licence (Natural Person)300
63Gold Dealers Licence (Cooperative)1,500
64Gold Dealers Licence (Corporate)2,500
65Industrial and sand-based dealers’ licence (Natural Person)500
66Industrial und sand-based dealers’ licence (Cooperative)1,500
67Industrial and sand-based dealers’ licence (Corporate)2,500
68Diamond Dealers Agent’s Certificate (Cooperative)1,000
69Diamond Dealers Agent’s Certificate (Corporate)1,500
70Gold Dealers Agent’s Cerfificate (Corporate)250
71Industrial and sand-based dealersÂ’ agents’ certificate (Cooperative)100
72Industrial and sand-based dealer’s agents’ certificate (Corporate)250
73Monitoring Fees
74Reconnaissance Licence10% of annud licence fees
75Exploration Licence10% of annuallicence fees
76Artlsanal Minlng Licence (Natural Person)500
77Artisanal Mining Licence (Joint-Venture)10% of annual licence fees
78Artisanal Mining Licence (Cooperative)10% of annual licence fees
79Artisanal Mining Licence (Corpoiate)10% of annual licence fees
80Small-scale Mining Licence10% of annual hcence fees
81Large-scale Mining Licence10% of annual hcence fees
82Diamond Exporters Licence1,000
83Gold Exporters Licence1,000
84Industrial and sand-based exporter licence1,000
85Diamond Dealers Licence (Natural Person)500
86Diamond Dealers Licence (Cooperative)600
87Diamond Dealers Licence (Corporate)700
88Gold Dealers Licence (Natural Person)100
89Gold Dealers Licence (Cooperative)500
90Gold Dealers Licence (Corporate)600
91Industrial and sand-based dealers licence (Natural Person)100
92Industrial and sand-based dealers licence (Cooperative)500
93Industrial and sand-based dealers licence (Corporate)600
Table 2: Offenses and Penalties
NoTypes of offencePenalty payment (USD)
1Late or non-compliant technical report2000
2Late or non-compliant audited financial report2000
3Filure to keep complete technical records2000
4Late or non-payment of annual charges5% of annual charge per month
5Failure to pay penalty on time20% of penalty per month
6Failure to notify Minister of substantial changes in ownership3000
7Failure to comply with official written instruction3000
8Failure to commence work within limit specified in Act3000
9Failure to notify Minister when scale mine commences work for permit3000
10Failure to notify Minister of termination, suspension, or reduction of
production under large-scale mining Licence
11Failure to submit audited statements of itemized expenditure directly incurred on exploration activitiesDeficit becomes debt to Government
12Failure to submit audited statements of itemized expenditure
directly incurred on mining activities
13Violation of agreed environmental management programme or failure to carry out rehabilitation or reclamation8000
14Failure to honour employment and training commitments or requirements of Act5000
15Make changes or modify his existing licence (Reconnaissance licence)500
16Make changes or modify his existing licence (Exploration licence)750
17Make changes or modify his existing licence (small-scale mining licence)1000
18Make changes or modify his existing licence (large-scale mining licence)2000
19Failure to pay compensation5000
20Failure to comply with regulations 65 and 1522,000.00 for initial failure plus
200.00 every day
21Failure to report serious injury or fatality5,000.00 immediately after the prescribed period had elapsed and 200.00 every calendar day until the report is made as prescribed.
22Offences referred to the Board or the MinisterPenalty imposed by the Minister.
23Offences for which penalty is prescribed in the ActPenalty provided for in the Act apply.
Table 3: Fees for Mapping and Information Access
NoType of InformationAmount (NLE)Amount (USD)
1Access to browse open-file reports (paper aftd/or digital copies (4 hours)10
2Inspection of the Cadestre survey map of licences and applicationFree
3Supply of GPS coordinates or copy of part of the cahastral map10
4Access to inspect the register of licences & applicabons (30 minutes)25
5Photocopy of open file report (per A4 size page)200
6Photocopy of map plan (A2 size)5
7Digital copy of open file report (as pdf file on CD or DVD per report)50
8Certificate D22 confirning information relating to a licence (per item)50
9Maps on A0 paper size per unit sheet70
10Maps on Al paper size per unit sheet35
11Maps on A2 paper size per unit30
12Maps on A3 paper size per unit sheet25
13Maps on A4 paper sizt ptr unit shtct20
14Mapping of Client Coordinates (maximum of 10 copies)20
16Short papers100
18Laboratory Service charges (for each sealeh package)50

Second Schedule - Application Forms

1. Large-Scale and Small-scale Licenses
2. Artisanal Licenses
3. Others

Third Schedule - Reporting Forms


Form C1: Form to report a mineral discovery

Form C2: Six-monthly report on an exploration licence

Form C3: Form to accompany submission of an annual report on exploration licence

Form C4: Form to accompany submission of an annual report on a reconnaissance licence

Form C5: Weekly progress reports of an airborne survey

Form C6: Form to accompany submission of the results and data of an airborne survey

Form C7: Form to be completed in regard to artisanal mining operations records

Form C8: Form to be completed in regard to artisanal mining operations reports

Form C9: Artisanal mine site inspection

Form C10: Form for recording surveying and demarcation information for artisanal mining operation

Form C11: Form to be completed to record precious mineral sales under artisanal mining licence

Form C12: Form to be completed to record surface rent agreement under artisanal mining licence

Form C13: Environmental management plan in respect to artisanal mining licence

Form C14: Artisanal mining work plan

Form C15: Monthly production report on a small-scale mining operation

Form C16: Form to accompany annual report on a small-scale mining operation

Form C17: Monthly production report on a large-scale mining operation

Form C18: Form to accompany annual report on a large-scale mining operation

Form C19: Form to accompany annual report on environmental management

Form C20: Form to accompany annual report on Community Development activities & expenditures

Form C21: Form for reporting accident under mineral right

Form C22: Monthly report associated with a radioactive minerals permit

Form C23: Form to accompany submission of financial transparency report 3

Form C24: Form to accompany submission of annual report on employment and training

Form C25: Report of change to registered details of a mineral right